Jean-Philippe Combal

Company: Vivet Therapeutics
Job title: Chief Executive Officer
10:00AM VTX-PID Mediated Optimal Depletion of Anti-AAV Neutralizing Antibodies in Human Subjects Allows Expanded Patient Eligibility for Future AAV-Based Gene Therapies 10:00 am
• How to optimize patient benefit and optimal strategy for neutralizing antibody-positive subjects • Sharing clinical data demonstrating success and challenges in AAV Nabs positive subjects with PK/PD modeling • Exploring the potential of these therapies to expand patient eligibility and potentially improve patient outcomes • Implementation in real life and providing access for all…Read more
day: Conference Day 2
9:00AM Keynote Panel: Gene Therapy Immunogenicity: Challenges, Innovations & the Road to Safe & Effective Therapies 9:00 am
• Overview of recent advancements in gene therapy, focusing on immunogenicity as a critical bottleneck in development and clinical success • Novel tools for immunogenicity assessment, including predictive modeling, biomarkers, and innovative vector designs to minimize immune responses • Collaborative strategies to overcome immunogenicity challenges, streamline regulatory approvals, and deliver safe and effective therapies to…Read more
day: Conference Day 1